August, and the end of August at that - how did that even happen? Are we all well?
And with no blog post from me. Sorry about that. I really am. I sat down after work to on the Monday just been to write one, but hey, what do you know - my laptop decided that it had lost the will to live. An action that perfectly describes how my month has been.
To begin with, work has been crazy. Every one has been filing for time off before we start to get manic for Christmas (until you've worked in an artisan bakery at Christmas, you don't know what stress is - worse than in a mall by far) and so there is constant roster changers and filling in for people and so on and so forth - last pay day my usually 80 hours was well over 100. But its all extra savings for that second house we hope to buy next year. Plus the hard work went rewarded when the bosses asked me yesterday if I would take over from the leaving 2IC.
Promotions - exciting any terrifying all at the same time.
I've also started going back to the pool as part of this whole weight loss kick that I'm on. Lost 5kg this month so I'm a bit pleased about that. I have to admit, I have fallen off the waggon a couple of times but I'm not going to beat myself up about it.
So between the crazy hours at work and the trying to be more active in the evenings, teamed with the Man being on ultra early shifts (we're talking 3am alarms here) I have been tired enough to want to spent most of my down time during the week reading. And not just any books, but my indulgent guilty pleasure genre of choice - paranormal romance. For some reason people seem to think I'm intelligent and as a result, expect me to always be reading books that reflect that. But I do love me a vampire love story. And luckily I managed to up date my book page just before the technology crash.
That may leave you thinking 'but what time did that all leave you for cross stitching?' And that is a very valid question. It is what we are all here for after all. And the good news is I did manage to find time when my eyes weren't too unfocused.
But this is were the technology fail comes back into play. I am on my tablet right now. My tablet is nothing fancy at all. I bought a cheap one because at the time I had only really intended it for reading. As a result, it is really REALLY slow at up loading pictures.
In a nut shell,since my last post, I have worked on six projects, had four finishes and four new starts. I will keep chipping away at the pages up top to get them all up to date with picres and the like and then hopefully by that stage I will have a better idea of what this tablet can do. I'm trying not to buy a new laptop right away - for he same reasons that I'm on a stash buying ban until after Christmas. We have renevations that we are trying to get done on the house and are saving to buy another when our mortgage comes up for renegotiation next August. So all spare pennies for a little while are being squirreled away.
Hopefully I can make it all work out. We shall see.
Sorry this ones so wordy, I'll try not to make a habit out of it.
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