And with a new WIP.
The funeral went well, there was a good turn out and all that other jazz. The main thing is that I didn't drop the ashes (in a very old, post quake church that's a bigger achievement than you think, especially when your as clumsy as I am) and I remembered enough of the Lords Prayer to stumble my way through the first church service I've been to in about 20 years.
Go me.
20 years is also about how old my new WIP is. Mum used to cross stitch, back in the day. It was her that taught me. But she wasn't as keen - it hurt her eyes and gave her head aches. So she tried tapestry. Bought a couple of cushion kits that she like and started them. Only she never finished them. I have long finished all of her half started cross stitch project, so I figured if make a start on these too.
Plus in my rush to catch my flight on Monday, I forgot to pack a project and consequently got bored.
The one I decided to start on was the simplest of the two. Just a McKenzie Tartan cushion.
The idea, from what I can tell, is to tent stitch all the stripes one way then turn the fabric 90 degrees and fill in all the gaps by repeating the pattern but reversing the direction of the stitch.
Figured I'd give it a go. What's the worst that can happen.
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