I know, I know, "it's not fair" is the international catch cry of moping teenagers the world over. But in this case I think it is a little justified. Christchurch had just began to move of from the devastation of September the fourth - had just got to a point where people and life was functioning pretty damn close to normal when we are hit again.
And not just hit again - no, we have had enough large aftershocks in the last six month....
People are dead. People are missing. People are injured. Homes are destroyed. The centre of the city is nothing more than rubble and brick dust and blood.
They say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger - and while I don't feel particular stronger, in fact I feel weaker (but that could be with the whole over working and not eating thing) - I do feel changed. intrinsically changed. A loss of innocence that strikes right down to the core. And I may have said that last time, this time it seems far more profound, far more intrusive and far further reaching.
It will be interesting to see how people around me (and myself) evolve as a result of this disaster.
Enough is enough now Mother Nature. Christchurch has had everything thrown at it now. 2011 was supposed to be a better year.
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