In the spirit of being more organised and have actual goals to work towards, I have called upon the assistance of Rachael - who from this point forward shall be known as Special Agent Redra - and initiated the magical list of 25 things to do before we are 25. Our birthdays are so close that I figured a month in either direction wasn't going to kill any one.
Now, I know that the idea of such a list is not new, or novel. But it is what we are doing, and we are sticking to it (this will not be a New Years resolution repeat). I will have a list - and I will kick the butt of this list.
Yes, I may have control issues at the moment - but there is so little about my life this year that I actually am in charge of so this helps. Taking back my life one step at a time.
We always think when we are younger that by the time we reach our early to mid twenties that we will have all the answers we need and will be grown ups making our way in the world. It's a bold face lie. I'd like to think that there is no magical number that exists to marker the change from young to old... And I refuse to have a quarter life crisis because things are not going my way. Having control issues seems safer somehow.
So its time to enjoy the free fall, December starts in a matter of days and then its time to get serious.
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